Beachbody Meal Planning Tips

Beachbody Meal Planning Tips

Eating healthy and staying in shape is a goal for many people, but it can be challenging to figure out what to eat and how to plan nutritious meals. Following a Beachbody meal plan can help simplify healthy eating and make it easier to reach your fitness goals.

In this blog post, we’ll provide some helpful meal-planning tips for those looking to follow a Beachbody diet.

Tips for Planning Beachbody Meals

1. Focus on lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

The foundation of the Beachbody diet is nutrient-dense foods like chicken, fish, eggs, fresh produce, whole wheat bread and pasta, beans, lentils, and brown rice. These foods provide protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals to fuel your workouts. Limit processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats.

2. Plan for 5-6 small meals spread throughout the day.

This helps keep your metabolism revved up and prevents overeating. Ideal beachbody meal times are breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner, and evening snack.

3. Include healthy fats at each meal.

Sources like avocado, olive oil, nuts, and salmon provide essential fatty acids that regulate hormones and reduce inflammation. Healthy fats also keep you feeling fuller for longer.

4. Drink plenty of water.

Aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses per day to stay hydrated. This is key for muscle recovery and preventing overeating.

5. Meal prep.

Take a couple of hours on your day off to prep healthy meals and snacks for the week ahead. This makes sticking to the diet much easier when everything’s ready to go. Good meal prep choices include hard-boiled eggs, turkey bacon, roasted vegetables, hummus and cut veggies, fruit salad, overnight oats, etc.

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6. Follow portion control.

Overeating can sabotage weight loss and fitness goals. Be mindful of proper protein and vegetable serving sizes as outlined in your Beachbody plan. Use smaller plates to prevent overloading.

7. Adjust for your fitness program.

Account for the unique calorie needs of programs like P90X vs. 21-Day Fix. You may need more carbohydrates on heavy workout days. Follow the diet’s recommendations.

8. Plan for Small, Frequent Meals

Eating 5-6 small meals spaced out every 2-3 hours keeps your blood sugar stable and your metabolism fired up. This helps control hunger and prevent overeating. Plan regular meals plus mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and evening snacks. Ideal beachbody meal timing is breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack.

9. Prep Meals and Snacks Ahead of Time

Set aside time to prep healthy meals and snacks for the week ahead. This makes sticking to the plan so much easier. Chop vegetables for easy snacking, cook up chicken or lentils for salads or grain bowls, bake egg cups, cook hard-boiled eggs, etc. Have delicious ready-to-eat options on hand.

10. Read Labels and Watch Portions

Be mindful of proper serving sizes for lean proteins, complex carbs, and vegetables as recommended by your specific beachbody program. Use measuring cups and food scales as needed. Read labels to avoid hidden calories, sodium, and sugar. Be wary of processed food claims.

11. Cook with Whole Food Ingredients

Focus on cooking with single-ingredient whole foods like fresh produce, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins. Avoid processed ingredients like refined grains, sugary sauces, and convenience meal items like frozen dinners or canned soups (which are high in sodium).

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12. Season Foods for Flavor

A Beachbody diet doesn’t have to be bland. Season foods with fresh or dried herbs, spices, garlic, citrus, vinegar, and other flavors to make meals delicious. Explore new seasonings so healthy food satisfies your taste buds. Be mindful of salt and sugar intake.

13. Stay Hydrated

Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day to stay hydrated. Proper hydration keeps your energy up, skin glowing, metabolism humming, and aids muscle recovery. Infuse your water with fruit or sip unsweetened tea for variety.

14. Make a Grocery List

Plan out Beachbody-approved meals and snacks for the week and make a detailed shopping list to stay on track. Having the ingredients you need on hand helps you avoid last-minute unhealthy impulse buys or takeout. Shop perimeter first for produce, dairy, meat then staples.

15. Don’t Forget to Snack

Snacking is essential on a beachbody plan to keep blood sugar stable, and energy high, and prevent overeating at meals. Have snacks like cut veggies and hummus, hard-boiled eggs, apples with nut butter, Greek yogurt, or protein bars ready to grab when hunger hits.

16. Make It Fun

Following a meal plan is more sustainable when you enjoy the food. Experiment with new Beachbody-approved recipes, use fun seasonal produce, and get creative in the kitchen. Share recipes and meal ideas with your fitness group or social networks for motivation.


Planning nutritious Beachbody-approved meals doesn’t have to be complicated. Focus on lean proteins, fruits and veggies, healthy fats, and whole grains. Meal prep, portion control, and staying hydrated are also key strategies for success.

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Following these Beachbody meal planning tips will help you reach your health and fitness goals. Check out here for more tips and guides about meal planning and saving.